DECA is back in action at Karns High School: Here is what you need to know
Members of DECA pose behind the building
September 16, 2022
DECA is an international organization that helps prepare future leaders and entrepreneurs. Previous members of the Karns DECA chapter recently held the yearly recruitment week.
Cynthia Rhoden, the teacher sponsor of the KHS DECA chapter, says,” “As for the membership, I’m feeling really good about it. We have 15 new Freshmen, 10 or 11 new sophomores, and a couple of new juniors as well.”
This year’s recruitment week was held during the last week of August, into September. During this week members were asked to join, in order to achieve the membership goals posted in the hallway.
“There aren’t a lot of requirements. Really just attending the meetings to make sure you know what’s happening, and communicating with me is important too,” says Rhoden.
The requirements to be a part of DECA aren’t difficult to meet. Any student who is interested could join if they wanted to, they just need to be willing to put in the effort and time.
According to DECA’s official website, “97% of DECA members say they learned how to communicate thoughts and ideas, how to organize a presentation and more about what businesses expect from employees while gaining problem-solving skills.”
DECA’s competitions and the preparation competitors go through, allows students to get valuable, in-depth knowledge about many skills and aspects required to be an entrepreneur. Alongside the learning, there are many more perks to being in DECA that are both academically and socially beneficial.
Many members of DECA get the chance to meet new people, work in partnerships with their fellow members, and enjoy social events during DECA competitions. At state competition in Chattanooga, they are allowed the chance to attend an event called the “DECA Dance,” where members get to enjoy time with their friends and also meet new people who are competing for other schools. This is just one of many social events members can participate in.
Kate Mcbee, a new member of DECA this year, says, “I’m looking forward to doing Ghoul at the School this year.”
Many DECA members look forward to participating in Ghoul at the school, but this is just one of many events that DECA members get to be a part of.
“This year my event planning class is planning some of the events, but my DECA students are going to be a part of it,” Rhoden says. “ For example, we [the event planning class] are planning a breakfast with Santa craft show, and the winter formal; and my DECA students will help set it up. My officers are required to be at freshman orientation and at Beaver Day. We will be participating in the Ghoul at the school. My DECA members might also help with a basketball tournament, towards the end of this semester.”
Many previous and new members look forward to getting to attend such events so they can help support the school, meet new people, and have fun.
Anyone who is interested in joining, or learning more about the KHS DECA chapter, can visit Mrs.Rhoden in room 170 or check out their Instagram page @karns.deca.