Incoming: Homecoming brings fun and games to Karns High School

Rachel Monday

Seniors are all smiles in their togas

Elias Eagle

Karns Homecoming week was a blast, and it isn’t over yet! Leading up to the Varsity Football game Friday night, there was a lot that went on this week.

Last Saturday the homecoming dance occurred, and people were getting their moves on! The theme was hoedown, so people were seen in their boots and cowboy hats. They played classics like Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex, Baby by Justin Bieber and Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. It was a very good time for anyone who went.

The halls were decorated on Sunday, and everyone who walked down them on Monday was taken into a whole different world. The themes included “drown the devils,” immersing anyone in a water-like  landscape that will leave anyone in awe. There was also “freeze the devils,”  a very chilling experience for anyone who encounters it. It was an impressive effort put in by many different students, and their volunteer work won’t go unnoticed.

Kings and Queens of the Dam are displayed in the Senior hallway (Emily Moore)
Penelope Tenorio
The Junior class turned their hallway into a frozen landscape (Elizabeth Suranovsky)

Every day of the week had a special dress up day for students. Monday was Country Vs. City, and county slammed city with far more students dressed in their flannels, boots and bandanas. Tuesday was decades day. Freshmen came as the 60’s, Sophomores came as the 80’s, Juniors came as the 50’s, Seniors came as the 90’s and the staff came as the 70’s. 

Sophomores on country vs city day (Breanne Wessel)
Seniors pose on country vs city day (Josie Bailey)

Wednesday was very special, being “anything but a backpack day” which enticed students to bring their school supplies in anything but a backpack. Students brought shopping carts, Home Depot buckets, guitar cases, and even strollers! 

Senior carries his books in a pot on “Anything but a backpack day” (Emily Moore)
A freshman uses a toy shopping cart for “Anything but a Backpack Day” (Carter Dubov)

Twins day was Thursday, where students and even staff could be seen dressing up with their friends. It was intriguing to see how creative some people got, entire groups of people walking down the hallway in the same outfit was a sight to see. 

Twinning Thursday (Elizabeth Suranovsky)
English teachers “twinning” with Mr. Gass (Yanna Zinchenko)

Today, Friday, was Class Colors day, where Freshman dressed in Yellow/Gold, Sophomores in Blue, Juniors in Black, and Seniors in white togas. The staff had an option of any of the four. 

The Mini-Beaver Creek Olympics occurred this week during lunch, all leading up to the actual Beaver Creek Olympics during the pep rally on Friday. Each lunch period, each grade level would compete in a different competition for the entire lunch room to watch. They would also play music during these lunch periods to crank the school spirit level to eleven, and it was a great time for both the spectators and the participants.

Students participate in a ping-pong toss as Mr. Collins looks on (Carter Dubov)
Students participate in homecoming games during lunch (Carter Dubov)
Sophomores participate in the paper airplane toss at lunch (Penelope Tenorio)
Emily Moore

The big Beaver Creek Olympics is taking place Friday, with five major events for students to participate in. The first event is Tug Of War, where three boys and two girls on each side will battle it out, testing who has the most strength. After that is Skin The Snake, each team having eight players. They connect by putting their hands around the legs of the person in front of them, and attempt to walk backwards while laying down, still connected to each other.

The third challenge is Table Surfing, with a whopping fifteen members for each team. All but three will lay down, one will sit on the table, and two will attempt to balance the table while all twelve students try to get the table across the floor. The fourth challenge will be the Obstacle Course, where each team has four members that have to do a bat spin, jump rope with a hula hoop, go under a table, sit and get up from a chair to then run over and tag the next teammate in. Definitely not a challenge for the weak.

The final challenge is a scavenger hunt, where one person will run around the gym, trying  to find the called out item so they can bring it to the center of the court. 

All the challenges, dress up days and the hall decorations are challenges between each grade level. Points are awarded depending on who won each event, yet to be determined by the staff of the school. Points will be tallied up, and the winners of Homecoming Week will be crowned. 

To end off such an eventful week, the football game against Halls High School will take place tonight on the Karns football field at 7. The Karns football team will surely put up a great fight; it’s a game nobody should miss. 

Though it is coming to an end, it was a very thrilling week for the students and staff of the school, and the events this afternoon will close it all off in a fantastic manner. 

The Beaver “dethrones the Devils” (Emily Moore)