AP classes are college level classes available for high schoolers to take and earn credit for. Many question the value of AP classes and there is reason for concern. Although it is obvious that AP classes do have their benefits, is it worth the hours of additional work, and the hundreds of dollars that the exams consume? Well, plenty of students and teachers alike seem to think that the time and money is worth the raise in GPA, preparations for college, and more.
AP classes do a good job of setting up high school students for college, but it’s not an easy task. B.J Arvin, a teacher who has taught both AP and regular classes, acknowledges that taking AP does have its risks, but believes that any student will benefit from AP in one way or another.
“I know the College Board has come out to say that even if you don’t get a three or higher on the exam, you’re still getting something out of the class and you’re still doing better off in school,” said Arvin.
Arvin believes that the real risk involved is the time commitment, students should be willing to have a potential extra two hours of school work a day, although that is not always the case it is still important to have the time available for when it’s needed.
Calleigh Cheeseman, a student taking AP classes this year, believes they are worth her time. She sees the pros of the class to outweigh the cons and she is motivated to secure her future. She recommends students don’t take more than two a semester as it can very easily get overwhelming. AP is difficult and in her earlier years she found herself overwhelmed, even at one point considering giving up, but she pushed on.
“…I know most of the stress was caused by myself. I waited to the last minute to do 60 vocab cards, I waited to do a packet that I could have done on time and it would have been a lot better….know if I just managed my time better and didn’t procrastinate I would have been okay.” said Cheeseman.
Some students can spend over $600 a year on AP exams alone. The price will vary depending on how many and which classes someone takes, but nonetheless the cost for many is a large concern. Each exam cost around $94 each besides the AP capstone exam which cost $144. Students don’t have to take the exam to take the class most don’t consider it worth the stress.
“So I’ve had pretty much all students take the test…One person last year did not but that’s just because they decided they just didn’t want to do the course anymore,” said English teacher April Shoults.
Shoults suggests that students take advantage of the social programs students have available to them. While there are some ways students can reduce the costs that come with AP the state of Tennessee doesn’t have very many ways to help the less fortunate in comparison to other states.
So should students take AP classes? Well, it all depends on the person. The students who are willing to sacrifice their time, put in the effort, and take on the financial burden, will certainly receive benefits, but it also depends on their plans for the future. Obviously, for students not going to college it probably won’t be worth it, and for many students, AP isn’t necessary to find success, but it sure can help.