Tragedy strikes Karns High school as Junior Miles Basalone’s, a football player, season got cut short due to heart problems. He the last 3 games of the football season. Basalone first noticed it when he started to feel his heart pounding very hard in his chest. Then he felt his heart rate going up, so that is when he knew something was wrong.
“I felt my heart beating really hard, and my heart rate got up to around 150 to 175.,” Basalone said.
Basalone’s first concern was getting home and hopefully finding out what was happening. The doctors taking care of him couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
“I just wanted to make sure I was still good enough to drive home so I could talk to my mom about it….. The doctors couldn’t figure it out…it was definitely confusing,” said Basalone.
Despite all of the unknowns, Miles doesn’t seem to be too concerned about whether or not it will affect his ability to play football. Basalone also doesn’t appear to have let the injury scare him at all. In fact, he seems to have a very positive outlook on it. He believes that as long as he takes care of himself he will be fine and he isnt too worried about reaggreavating it.
“I’m definitely gonna come back next year, I’ll be ready for next season,” said Basalone.
One of Basalone’s close friends Case Whitaker was more than happy to comment on his injury and how he thinks this will affect his ability to play next football season.
“I think this injury really affected him. He wants to go back, but I’ve advised him not to. I think he should become the team manager…..I’m going to keep praying for Miles,” said Whitaker.
Basalone’s injury was serious, so we need to continue to support Basalone as he goes through the process of recovering, and hopefully he’ll be able to get back on the field better than ever next season.