Every school has its special traditions. Here at Karns High School lots of ours belong to the seniors. Many traditions exist for seniors’ enjoyment, some include the “senior sunrise” and other ones that have been taken away or made for certain groups or teams. While many traditions exist, students want more of them. The seniors also want to express how important their traditions are to them.
Senior Sunrise is an event for seniors that takes place near the beginning of the school year. Seniors will meet on the football field at 6am. with blankets, pillows, games and sometimes even speakers. They lay and sit on the field to watch the sunrise together as the senior class. This year’s was a chilly morning according to senior Kenlee Hayden who attended the event. Students enjoyed Senior Sunrise because it wasn’t meant to be an event for school, but to bond with the rest of the seniors as a class.
“It didn’t feel like a school function, but it felt like spending time with friends for fun because the student section organized it for students,” senior Rebecca McElroy said.
“Color Guard has its own tradition for seniors” They receive balloons on senior night. The color guard members then release the balloons into the air after the game is over. It is an important tradition because of the symbolism for the senior members of the color guard.
“We are saying goodbye to our high school life and turning a new page,” said senior Lacey Kovacs.
One tradition that has almost made its way to Karns seniors is painting parking spots. The reason why Karns does not do this is because it was said to be dangerous for people walking across the paint and slipping. Unfortunately, seniors cannot paint their parking spots to leave a memory of where they arrived at school every day.
“I think it would’ve been really cute to do, but I understand why we don’t do it,” Rebecca said, “It is a lot of money and work on the school’s part.”
While it is sad that seniors cannot paint their parking spots, it is understandable as to why. The school really does do a lot for seniors and they have several other traditions to participate in to celebrate the upper class.
Seniors are very appreciative of the traditions they get to be involved in. Those events give students a chance to make memories with their classmates in celebration of their last times at Karns High School. The students are very grateful for the traditions including senior sunrise, the fun games among students, senior night, and many more.