Bullying- The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen in person or online’ and Sometimes leading to self doubt, depression and suicide as the bullying continues. Anyone can get bullied and anyone can be a bully.
ProjectU decided that Karns students should bring awareness to bullying so with that being said they had set up an anti bullying dress up week for the students.
“We had one person in our club who wanted to have anti bullying awareness week and it just so happened that with the date November 13th was world kindest day, so we just took that day and made it a whole dress up week to bring awareness to bullying and to make it fun to dress up,” said staff Kenzie Wilson.
Building a positive school climate goes a long way and creates a more healthy development. Being and having positive energy builds a positive environment among student peers and school adults. As long as everything is encouraging and helpful the percent in bullying will decrease and not prosper.
“Honestly we saw the dress up ideas on tik tok and we chose to go for it” said Wilson.
The following dress up days where Monday- Wear blue for kindness, Tuesday- Dress up as your favorite character to stand up for bullying, Wednesday- Hawaiian day to stick up for your ohana, Thursday-Bullying makes you wack, wear your wackiest outfit and last but not least Friday- Wear your favorite Pj’s and put bullying to rest.
“It brought about a lot of conversation about what bullying actually looks like because I had students who were like well if someones doing something they’re not supposed to be doing then they need to be told not to do it, and I said well that’s not bullying. A Lot of people don’t actually understand what bullying is and what that looks like and that was just a chance for us to have those conversations,” said Wilson.
This awareness was clearly educational due to the fact that some students don’t actually know what bullying is or actually looks like so with this going on in the school it’s very helpful.
“ The dress up days were actually fun to do with my friends and since it was for a good cause why not just dress up” student Ty Bradley.
This campaign was helpful and a fun thing to do to get the students involved with the awareness and it actually created a doorway for students to understand more about bullying.