Finals week is the most stressful week of the year and the stress might be too much on students. Stress leads to a lack of sleep not eating and overall not taking care of yourself. Why is the stress so high for a few tests? These tests make up 15% of your grade which could make or break your grade. Students want to keep their GPA up and passing these tests will ensure they do.
¨No it is really stressful for students how well they do on the test is tied to a big percentage of your grade and many students get very stressed about their GPA,” said Melissa Mink
There are different types of finals. There are the tests that use common knowledge and if you were half paying attention you´d pass with flying colours. Then there are the tests you have to study for and even then you still stress about how well you did. Then there are the ones in between.
¨I sleep in most of my classes as long as you half focus you should do everything fine, ¨ said Ty Cooper.
There are also different kinds of test takers. There are the people who don’t care and just Christmas tree every test and hope for the best. Some people study until their brain pops. Then some study but don´t overdo themselves.
¨yes I feel like my teachers have prepared me well I pay attention in class I’m a terrible test taker I say a little prayer before I take tests so it is in Jesus’s hands ,” said Jace Krugjohann
A lot of students question whether finals are just as stressful for teachers as they are for students, and they can be but most of the time they´re not. Teachers have the same amount of grading as they always do and they just do a lot of sitting. However, they have some stressors since students are stressed and start misbehaving and acting out of line.
¨I think as stress levels increase students act out more. I mean if there i more misbehavior there is more for staff to be doing,” said Chris Ottinger.
Overall finals are stressful even if you aren’t stressed about the tests themselves everyone is on high alert and on edge these last weeks. If you want to deal with these stressors or get coping skills for them visit your guidance counselor for help.