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The best dam news in town

The Karns Chronicle

The best dam news in town

The Karns Chronicle

  • October 25Heads up! Karns takes on Clinton this Friday at Clinton. Be there!
The best dam news in town

The Karns Chronicle

  • Ghoul at the School - This Friday, 5-8!
Kylee Scarbrough

Kylee Scarbrough, Managing Editor

Kylee Scarbrough is going into her third year as a reporter for The Karns Chronicle and her second year as Managing Editor. She’s entering her seventh year of basketball and her fourth with the varsity team at the high school. Recently, she’s been drinking way too much iced coffee and spending way too much time driving around town with her music cranked just to wind up back at home. She’s taken up baking banana bread as a hobby along with listening to Spotify at every minute of everyday. She gets closer and closer to leaving Knoxville everyday and can’t wait to see something besides Oak Ridge Highway. She’s looking ahead to college and other ventures, but has absolutely no idea what she’s doing in the meantime. Kylee is incredibly thankful to have a senior year despite the current events and she plans to seize every opportunity to make this year as memorable as possible.

All content by Kylee Scarbrough